The high cost of road repair has necessitated the use of machinery to clean and create drainage ditches. Without this maintenance, water is allowed to stand on and seep under the road, causing deterioration. Ditch Master is effective in solving drainage problems and alleviating costly road repair and replacement costs.
The truck – mounted Ditch Master uses a horizontal rotating auger to remove spoil material from ditch bottoms. Solid materials then travel through a three stage conveyor mechanism and drop into a 8-10 cubic yard open dump body. Cutting and conveying mechanisms are powered by hydraulic drive units. The rounded ditch bottom created by Ditch Master gives more area for drainage and faster water flow
The road surface is used as a general guide, with the operator controlling the forward motion through advancing the truck. The unit travels up to 1 mph when skimming and shaping, and uses slower speeds when doing deep renovation. Terrain and soil conditions dictate the speed of travel.
Convenient hydraulic controls enable the operator to extend, retract, lower or raise the Ditch Master to accommodate any roadside ditch sections up to 3 feet in depth. When extended, the cleaning arm reaches out 8 1/2 feet. By retracting the arm, Ditch Master can clean on a very narrow road. For highway travel the arm folds and locks to a vertical “tuck in” position for a legal width of eight feet and height of twelve feet eight inches.
- Save up to 80 % of the normal costs for similar ditch cleaning work.
The single machine operation saves up to 65% in fuel usage.
Ditch cleaning operations can be staffed with one operator and whatever personnel are required to handle traffic.
- Traveling at highway speeds, the Ditch Master is extremely mobile for “spot” ditching where it is necessary to alleviate immediate problems.
Ditch Master is equipped to remove rocks up to 5 inches in diameter, sod, grass, small brush, bottles, cans and other similar debris.
This self-contained unit will free up motor graders and trucks, permitting additional operations to be accomplished simultaneously.
- Inclement weather seldom restricts operation of the Ditch Master.